Ivan Blagorenko

Montgomery-Lee Fine Art - Ivan BlagorenkoIvan Blagorenko was born in the former Soviet Union and was very fortunate to be exposed to the colossal art collections in some of the world’s greatest museums. Inspired by the spectacular masterpieces, He was determined to make art an integral part of his life.

Blagorenko accentuates light in every painting he creates – be that a bright summer day in Southern Utah, a winter evening in a quiet Russian village, or a misty autumn morning in Northern Vancouver.

My artistic style was formed throughout the years by observing and analyzing nature, studying its true natural beauty. In my paintings, I achieve a realistic representation of landscape almost with a portrait-like similarity. I paint nature in its pure state reflecting its deep character. I strive to find grandness even in the simplest things that at first might seem minuscule or boring.

Featured Art

Click on artwork to see details.

And Autumn upon Us Already – Original

And Autumn upon Us Already – Original

Another Turn – Original

Another Turn – Original

Aspen Grove – Original

Aspen Grove – Original

Autumn Trail – Original

Autumn Trail – Original

Candid Encounter – Giclée

Candid Encounter – Giclée

Countryside – Giclée

Countryside – Giclée

Daybreak – Giclée

Daybreak – Giclée

Deep Rooted – Giclée

Deep Rooted – Giclée

Easy to Remember – Original

Easy to Remember – Original

Enchanted Path – Giclée

Enchanted Path – Giclée

Fence Line – Gliclée

Fence Line – Gliclée

Fresh Cut – Giclée

Fresh Cut – Giclée